Büntetésből kötéllel a nyakán rángatta 10 éves fiát a kegyetlen apa – megrázó videó 18+

Sokkoló videó került fel az internetre, egy apa kegyetlen büntetési módszeréről. A brutális felvételen az látható, hogy az apa a 10 éves fiát a járdán rángatja végig kötéllel a nyakán.  – számolt be róla a Daily Mail.

A gyerek sír és kiabál, de a kegyetlen férfi kb. 100 méteren át vonszolja nyakánál fogva a fiút.

A videó elején az apa egy fehér furgonból száll ki, majd a vele lévő gyereket üvöltve parancsolja kiszállásra. Mivel a fiú nem hajlandó erre, kirántja a helyéről a kötélnél fogva.

Pic shows: The father ticking off his son on a rope around his neck. A video has gone viral showing a father angrily dragging his son by a rope around his neck for several metres because his son was allegedly misbehaving and refused to study. The angry father was filmed by a local in Jinhua City, east China’s Zhejiang Province, when he forced his 10-year-old son out of his car by a rope and dragged him dozens of metres to their home. The boy can be seen crying and screaming as his father says: "I might as well treat you like a dog". The video had been shot by local Chan Fu who said: "I heard a child screaming and when I looked I saw the man trying to drag the child out of the car and he was clearly refusing to go. I grabbed my telephone and started filming it because I wanted to give it to the police." She had then also uploaded it online where it quickly went viral. According to the father, who was later approached by police, he had lost his temper because his son was out playing when he should have been studying. He apologised to authorities and admitted that his methods were inappropriate. He will not charged by police but has received a stern warning not to repeat the action the action. (ends)

Majd brutális módon vonszolja a járdán maga után azt ordibálva, hogy „kutyaként foglak megnevelni!".

Mikor a gyerek összeesik, az sem érdekli, inkább tovább húzza a fiút négykézláb hiába sír és tiltakozik a kegyetlen büntetés ellen. Ezután pedig eltűnnek egy épületben.

Pic shows: The father ticking off his son on a rope around his neck. A video has gone viral showing a father angrily dragging his son by a rope around his neck for several metres because his son was allegedly misbehaving and refused to study. The angry father was filmed by a local in Jinhua City, east China’s Zhejiang Province, when he forced his 10-year-old son out of his car by a rope and dragged him dozens of metres to their home. The boy can be seen crying and screaming as his father says: "I might as well treat you like a dog". The video had been shot by local Chan Fu who said: "I heard a child screaming and when I looked I saw the man trying to drag the child out of the car and he was clearly refusing to go. I grabbed my telephone and started filming it because I wanted to give it to the police." She had then also uploaded it online where it quickly went viral. According to the father, who was later approached by police, he had lost his temper because his son was out playing when he should have been studying. He apologised to authorities and admitted that his methods were inappropriate. He will not charged by police but has received a stern warning not to repeat the action the action. (ends)

A történteket az egyik szomszéd vette fel, majd feltette a netre, ahol rögtön nekimentek az apának és gyerekbántalmazást emlegettek.

Pic shows: The father ticking off his son on a rope around his neck. A video has gone viral showing a father angrily dragging his son by a rope around his neck for several metres because his son was allegedly misbehaving and refused to study. The angry father was filmed by a local in Jinhua City, east China’s Zhejiang Province, when he forced his 10-year-old son out of his car by a rope and dragged him dozens of metres to their home. The boy can be seen crying and screaming as his father says: "I might as well treat you like a dog". The video had been shot by local Chan Fu who said: "I heard a child screaming and when I looked I saw the man trying to drag the child out of the car and he was clearly refusing to go. I grabbed my telephone and started filming it because I wanted to give it to the police." She had then also uploaded it online where it quickly went viral. According to the father, who was later approached by police, he had lost his temper because his son was out playing when he should have been studying. He apologised to authorities and admitted that his methods were inappropriate. He will not charged by police but has received a stern warning not to repeat the action the action. (ends)

A meg nem nevezett férfi állítása szerint azért tette mindezt, mert elvesztette az önuralmát a gyerekével szemben.

A fiú azzal vívta ki haragját, hogy tanulás helyett a szabadban ment játszani. Végül a férfi a riporterek által feltett kérdésre bevallotta, hogy azóta tudja, hogy helytelenül büntette meg a gyereket.

Brutal Dad Given Ticking Off For Son On A Rope

Forrás: blikk


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