Így szégyenítette meg nyilvánosan hűtlennek gondolt feleségét a kínai férfi – fotó

Egy kínai férfi nyilvánosan szégyenítette meg feleségét, akit hűtlenséggel vádolt.

A nőnek fehérneműben kellett végigmennie a forgalmas utcákon egy táblával a nyakában, amelyen ez állt „el akarom adni a testem”.

Pic shows: The naked wife walking on the street. A man has penned an official apology to his local newspaper for drunkenly beating his wife and forcing her to parade through the city streets half naked after deciding she had been unfaithful. Wang Ni, 33, was seen wearing only her underwear while walking through traffic in Yushan County of southeast China’s Jiangxi Province, and holding up a sign that read, "I want to sell my body". Wang had allegedly been beaten by her husband Zhang, 37, after which she was forced to parade through the streets half naked. The husband was reportedly following her in his car to make sure she continued on the walk of shame. The couple have two daughters but the husband works long hours and has little time for their relationship, and even lives in another city where he runs a property development company. According to friends of the couple, he blamed his wife for the fact that despite 10 years of marriage she had given him two daughters and no sons - causing frequent rows that had split the family and meant that he often abused his wife on the few occasions when he did return home. But that abuse reached a new high when he returned home for a rare visit and decided to go out drinking with his friends who spread rumours that Wang was cheating on him with another man. Upon hearing the rumours, the drunken Zhang charged home and after beating Wang, and accusing her of being unfaithful, stripped her and forced her onto the streets with the sign. After police officers rescued the unfortunate woman and took her back to the police station, they called Zhang in for questioning. The result of the questioning was proof that the young woman had not been unfaithful and that her husband simply listened to malicious rumours with no foundation. Zhang later apologised to Wang and penned a formal apology in his local newspaper. It is not clear whether his wife has accepted his apology. (ends)

A középkort idéző szégyenmenet Jiangxi tartományban történt.  – számolt be róla a Daily Mail. A 33 éves Wang Ninek azért kellett mindezt elszenvednie, mert a 37 éves Zhang nevű férje hűtlenséggel vádolta meg.

Pic shows: The woman walking on the street. A man has penned an official apology to his local newspaper for drunkenly beating his wife and forcing her to parade through the city streets half naked after deciding she had been unfaithful. Wang Ni, 33, was seen wearing only her underwear while walking through traffic in Yushan County of southeast China’s Jiangxi Province, and holding up a sign that read, "I want to sell my body". Wang had allegedly been beaten by her husband Zhang, 37, after which she was forced to parade through the streets half naked. The husband was reportedly following her in his car to make sure she continued on the walk of shame. The couple have two daughters but the husband works long hours and has little time for their relationship, and even lives in another city where he runs a property development company. According to friends of the couple, he blamed his wife for the fact that despite 10 years of marriage she had given him two daughters and no sons - causing frequent rows that had split the family and meant that he often abused his wife on the few occasions when he did return home. But that abuse reached a new high when he returned home for a rare visit and decided to go out drinking with his friends who spread rumours that Wang was cheating on him with another man. Upon hearing the rumours, the drunken Zhang charged home and after beating Wang, and accusing her of being unfaithful, stripped her and forced her onto the streets with the sign. After police officers rescued the unfortunate woman and took her back to the police station, they called Zhang in for questioning. The result of the questioning was proof that the young woman had not been unfaithful and that her husband simply listened to malicious rumours with no foundation. Zhang later apologised to Wang and penned a formal apology in his local newspaper. It is not clear whether his wife has accepted his apology. (ends)

Azért, hogy ellenőrizze, hogy a büntetését végrehajtja-e a neje, a férj egy fekete terepjáróban lépésben haladva ment mögötte. A fehérneműben elhaladó síró nőt sokan lefotózták, a képek azután felkerültek a közösségi portálra, és a sajtó is beszámolt róla és nagy felháborodást váltott ki az ügy. Ezért a férfinek később egy kézzel írt nyílt bocsánatkérő levelet kellett írnia egy helyi lapba.

Pic shows: An apology letter written by Zhang for a newspaper. A man has penned an official apology to his local newspaper for drunkenly beating his wife and forcing her to parade through the city streets half naked after deciding she had been unfaithful. Wang Ni, 33, was seen wearing only her underwear while walking through traffic in Yushan County of southeast China’s Jiangxi Province, and holding up a sign that read, "I want to sell my body". Wang had allegedly been beaten by her husband Zhang, 37, after which she was forced to parade through the streets half naked. The husband was reportedly following her in his car to make sure she continued on the walk of shame. The couple have two daughters but the husband works long hours and has little time for their relationship, and even lives in another city where he runs a property development company. According to friends of the couple, he blamed his wife for the fact that despite 10 years of marriage she had given him two daughters and no sons - causing frequent rows that had split the family and meant that he often abused his wife on the few occasions when he did return home. But that abuse reached a new high when he returned home for a rare visit and decided to go out drinking with his friends who spread rumours that Wang was cheating on him with another man. Upon hearing the rumours, the drunken Zhang charged home and after beating Wang, and accusing her of being unfaithful, stripped her and forced her onto the streets with the sign. After police officers rescued the unfortunate woman and took her back to the police station, they called Zhang in for questioning. The result of the questioning was proof that the young woman had not been unfaithful and that her husband simply listened to malicious rumours with no foundation. Zhang later apologised to Wang and penned a formal apology in his local newspaper. It is not clear whether his wife has accepted his apology. (ends)

A lap szerint a pár 10 év házasodott össze és két lányuk van. A férfi egy másik városban egy ingatlanfejlesztő cég vezetője, így csak ritkán látja a családját. Az ismerősök szerint az is bántja, hogy nem született fiúgyermeke a nejétől.

Forrás: hír24


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