22 év után találkozott megmentőjével a csecsemőként fülkében otthagyott lány

Megható találkozás zajlott le a napokban egy 22 éves nő és 52 éves megmentője között.

Kiren Sheikhet- egy jószívű járókelő mentette meg, miután anyja szülés után otthagyta egy telefonfülkében.


A férfi, Joe Campbell akkor 30 éves volt és szerette volna örökbe fogadni a babát, de nem tehette meg, mert nem volt házas.


Az eset még 1994-ben történt, pontosabban április 30-án, amikor Kiren anyja erőszakos kapcsolat miatt nem vállalta a babát és két órásan ott hagyta egy fülkében.

A nő ezután felhívta a helyi szamaritánusokat, hogy megmondja, hol van a baba, de mire odaértek egy férfi már megtalálta az újszülöttet.– írja a The  Sun.

Collect photograph of baby Kiran Sheikh, A baby girl abandoned by her mother in a phone box was reunited with her rescuer 22 years later. See story NNPHONE. Kiran Sheikh was just two hours old when her frightened mother who was in an abusive relationship left her in the middle of the night. Her mother had called the Samaritans from the box but before they could arrive the newborn was found by Joel Campbell, who initially mistook her for a thrown bags of chips. Joel called the police and Kiran was taken to Newham General Hospital, where she was given the name 'April' after the month in which she was born, as well as Joel's surname. But she was then adopted by another family who then went on to rename her and it was only when she was eight she was told the truth about her coming into the world. Two decades later wanting to meet up with the man who found her she made an appeal and Mr Campbell saw the story and came forward. The pair met for the first time in central London, 22-year-old Kiran said: "I am so overwhelmed, this is unbelievable. "I've been waiting 15 years to meet him and he's finally here. "He was the second person to hold me after my mother, it's incredible." Joel was shown Kiran's appeal for the man who had saved her by a colleague at work for delivery firm DPD, who immediately recognised his good deed 20 years earlier

Az akkor 30 éves Joe utólagos elmondása szerint először egy zacskó krumplinak hitte a csomagot, amelyben a baba volt. Amikor megnézte és látta, hogy egy újszülött van benne, azonnal értesítette a hatóságokat.


Később azt is jelezte, hogy örökbe fogadná a kislányt, de ezt elutasították, mert egyedülálló volt.

Kiran Sheikh, 22, standing next to a telephone box in Pimlico, Central London. Kiran was dumped in a telephone box as a baby. See SWNS story SWPHONE; A young woman is searching for the kindhearted stranger who rescued her after she was dumped as a baby - in a TELEPHONE BOX. Kiran Sheikh, 22, was just two hours old when she was abandoned by her mother on April 30 1994 in the middle of the night. The frightened mum, who already had six children, was in a violent relationship. After giving birth alone on her bathroom floor, she wrapped her little girl in blankets and ran with her to a nearby phone box.She then called Samaritans and begged them to come quickly before leaving the tiny baby on a street corner, in Newham, east London. The charity workers promised they would come, but before they got there the child was discovered by a man wanting to use the phone to call home.

A férfi azonban soha nem felejtette el a kislányt és mint kiderült a gyermek is mindig emlékezett rá.

Közben a lány felnőtt és rájött, hogy örökbe fogadták, mivel feltűnt neki, hogy a barátai szülei fiatalabbak, mint az övéi és a bőrszíne is más, mint a szüleié.

Kiren most 22 éves és már egy ideje kereste megmentőjét, akit végül a közösségi oldalak és média segítségével talált meg.


Nemrég pedig sok került a nagy viszontlátásra, ahol könnyek között ölelték át egymást és Kiren megköszönte a férfinek, hogy 22 éve megmentette őt.

A baby girl abandoned by her mother in a phone box was reunited with her rescuer 22 years later. See story NNPHONE. Kiran Sheikh was just two hours old when her frightened mother who was in an abusive relationship left her in the middle of the night. Her mother had called the Samaritans from the box but before they could arrive the newborn was found by Joel Campbell, who initially mistook her for a thrown bags of chips. Joel called the police and Kiran was taken to Newham General Hospital, where she was given the name 'April' after the month in which she was born, as well as Joel's surname. But she was then adopted by another family who then went on to rename her and it was only when she was eight she was told the truth about her coming into the world. Two decades later wanting to meet up with the man who found her she made an appeal and Mr Campbell saw the story and came forward. The pair met for the first time in central London, 22-year-old Kiran said: "I am so overwhelmed, this is unbelievable. "I've been waiting 15 years to meet him and he's finally here. "He was the second person to hold me after my mother, it's incredible." Joel was shown Kiran's appeal for the man who had saved her by a colleague at work for delivery firm DPD, who immediately recognised his good deed 20 years earlier

A baby girl abandoned by her mother in a phone box was reunited with her rescuer 22 years later. See story NNPHONE. Kiran Sheikh was just two hours old when her frightened mother who was in an abusive relationship left her in the middle of the night. Her mother had called the Samaritans from the box but before they could arrive the newborn was found by Joel Campbell, who initially mistook her for a thrown bags of chips. Joel called the police and Kiran was taken to Newham General Hospital, where she was given the name 'April' after the month in which she was born, as well as Joel's surname. But she was then adopted by another family who then went on to rename her and it was only when she was eight she was told the truth about her coming into the world. Two decades later wanting to meet up with the man who found her she made an appeal and Mr Campbell saw the story and came forward. The pair met for the first time in central London, 22-year-old Kiran said: "I am so overwhelmed, this is unbelievable. "I've been waiting 15 years to meet him and he's finally here. "He was the second person to hold me after my mother, it's incredible." Joel was shown Kiran's appeal for the man who had saved her by a colleague at work for delivery firm DPD, who immediately recognised his good deed 20 years earlier

A baby girl abandoned by her mother in a phone box was reunited with her rescuer 22 years later. See story NNPHONE. Kiran Sheikh was just two hours old when her frightened mother who was in an abusive relationship left her in the middle of the night. Her mother had called the Samaritans from the box but before they could arrive the newborn was found by Joel Campbell, who initially mistook her for a thrown bags of chips. Joel called the police and Kiran was taken to Newham General Hospital, where she was given the name 'April' after the month in which she was born, as well as Joel's surname. But she was then adopted by another family who then went on to rename her and it was only when she was eight she was told the truth about her coming into the world. Two decades later wanting to meet up with the man who found her she made an appeal and Mr Campbell saw the story and came forward. The pair met for the first time in central London, 22-year-old Kiran said: "I am so overwhelmed, this is unbelievable. "I've been waiting 15 years to meet him and he's finally here. "He was the second person to hold me after my mother, it's incredible." Joel was shown Kiran's appeal for the man who had saved her by a colleague at work for delivery firm DPD, who immediately recognised his good deed 20 years earlier




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