A függőség megrázó arca: fotósorozat heroinista nőkről

Addiction: A young woman prepares to inject heroin as she sits cross-legged on the sidewalk

Street scene: Mirror in hand, this addict applies make up as she struggles to survive in downtown Vancouver

Lost: Perched on a shopping cart, a woman stares off into space

Deserted: Lincoln Clarkes wanted to show a side to Vancouver that many prefer not to see

Spot light: By focusing on women living in the shadows of the city, Clarkes was able to show they were still clinging on to life

Youthful: Many of the subjects appear fresh faced but during the five-year project the damaging effects of drug use would start to show

Sadness: The snapshots into the lives of addicts revealed their physical and emotional suffering

Back story: Meagan, who works as a prostitute, waits for clients outside a funeral home. She says she was driven to drugs by the death of her son

Nowhere to turn: Pregnant and alone, this addict kept all her possessions in the plastic bag at her feet

Hidden beauty: Clarkes wanted to show that despite their addictions the women were still beautiful

Tough: She may be on crutches and living on the street, but this addict has a defiant look

This woman, photographed in a doorway, was still able to raise a smile for Clarkes

Two women stare intently at the camera as they stand outside a club in Vancouver

A young addict peers out the window of a car in downtown Vancouver

Surrounded by graffiti and with her hair blowing in the wind, an addict smokes as she sits on a wall

Clarkes offered the women a small amount of cash, cigarettes or food in return for a photo

The photographer wanted to reveal the harsh reality of the thousands of addicts living rough in Vancouver

The addicts show a mixture of desperation and despair

By photographing the women, Clarkes wanted to show what life was like on the rough side of the city

When Clarkes took this image, the woman suddenly stretched out her arms, as if crucified by her addiction

The women had often had a rough childhood leading to a life of desperation on the streets

A young heroin addict pauses to look in the camera as she walks across an alley

A woman smokes on a fire escape in an alley of boarded up houses

Clarkes wandered the streets of downtown Vancouver to find women willing to be in his pictures

A woman leans against a pole as she waits on the corner of a road in an area where many addicts sell drugs or their bodies to make money

This addict was captured by Clarkes as she drank soda outside a grocery store in Vancouver

Sunglasses in hand, a heroin addict leans in a doorway

This young woman gazes off into the distance as she slumps against a wall

forrás: DailyMail


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Segítünk eligazodni a samponok kínálatában, hogy megtaláld a hajadnak legmegfelelőbbet.



Ezek a szervezet számára legfontosabb vitaminok.

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Betegségek, amelyekkel a férfiaknak számolniuk kell 40 fölött.
