Hatalmas nyelve miatt lélegezni sem tudott a ritka betegséggel született baba

Egy kislány ritka betegség miatt felnőtt méretű nyelvvel jött a világra.

Paisley Morrison Johnson az óriási nyelve miatt lélegezni is alig tudott, életmentő műtétre volt szüksége és hat hónapos koráig csak csővel tudták etetni. – számolt be róla a The Sun.

PICS BY MADISON KIENOW / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Here you can see Paisleys massive tongue, at six months she would have the first of two reduction surgeries to ensure she didnt choke to death) - A baby born with a massive adult-sized tongue has finally been able to smile for the first time after life-changing surgery. Paisley, from Aberdeen in South Dakota, USA, had such a large tongue that she needed breathing apparatus for the first week of her life to stop her from choking to death. She was born with Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) an overgrowth disorder that affects one in every 11,000 births worldwide. The rare condition caused the little girls tongue to grow more than twice the size of her mouth and it even shocked doctors, who said it was one of the largest tongues they had ever seen. Until she was six months old, Paisley had to be fed via by a gastronomy-tube because she struggled to eat and wasnt receiving the vital nutrients needed to keep her alive. - SEE CATERS COPY

Az orvosok kétszer próbálták meg kisebbíteni a baba nyelvét műtéti úton.

A kislány most 16 hónapos és a műtét óta jól van, sokat mosolyog és már szavakat is mond.

PICS BY MADISON KIENOW / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Here is Paisley after she was born and doctors feared she would choke to death on her own oversized tongue they intubated and then put her on nasal oxygen) - A baby born with a massive adult-sized tongue has finally been able to smile for the first time after life-changing surgery. Paisley, from Aberdeen in South Dakota, USA, had such a large tongue that she needed breathing apparatus for the first week of her life to stop her from choking to death. She was born with Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) an overgrowth disorder that affects one in every 11,000 births worldwide. The rare condition caused the little girls tongue to grow more than twice the size of her mouth and it even shocked doctors, who said it was one of the largest tongues they had ever seen. Until she was six months old, Paisley had to be fed via by a gastronomy-tube because she struggled to eat and wasnt receiving the vital nutrients needed to keep her alive. - SEE CATERS COPY

A kislány betegségét egy ritka szindróma az ún. Beckwith-Wiedemann okozza. Emiatt a betegek általában nagyobb testhosszal és súllyal jönnek a világra, vagy pedig valamelyik szervük irreálisan nagy lesz.



Ezzel a betegséggel küzdő gyerekeknél sajnos van esélye annak is, hogy gyermekkori daganatok alakulnak ki náluk.


A kis Paisleyt- ezért szülei rendszeresen orvoshoz viszik ahol három havonta vért is vesznek tőle, hogy megnézzék nincs-e tumorra utaló jel.


PICS BY MADISON KIENOW / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Here is Paisley now at 16months having had her second tongue reduction surgery six months ago after it grew back - she can now smile and also will be able to say mama and dada for the first time soon) - A baby born with a massive adult-sized tongue has finally been able to smile for the first time after life-changing surgery. Paisley, from Aberdeen in South Dakota, USA, had such a large tongue that she needed breathing apparatus for the first week of her life to stop her from choking to death. She was born with Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) an overgrowth disorder that affects one in every 11,000 births worldwide. The rare condition caused the little girls tongue to grow more than twice the size of her mouth and it even shocked doctors, who said it was one of the largest tongues they had ever seen. Until she was six months old, Paisley had to be fed via by a gastronomy-tube because she struggled to eat and wasnt receiving the vital nutrients needed to keep her alive. - SEE CATERS COPY

PICS BY MADISON KIENOW / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Here is Madison with Paisley during the point where her daughters tongue was at its largest - and looked like an adult tongue) - A baby born with a massive adult-sized tongue has finally been able to smile for the first time after life-changing surgery. Paisley, from Aberdeen in South Dakota, USA, had such a large tongue that she needed breathing apparatus for the first week of her life to stop her from choking to death. She was born with Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) an overgrowth disorder that affects one in every 11,000 births worldwide. The rare condition caused the little girls tongue to grow more than twice the size of her mouth and it even shocked doctors, who said it was one of the largest tongues they had ever seen. Until she was six months old, Paisley had to be fed via by a gastronomy-tube because she struggled to eat and wasnt receiving the vital nutrients needed to keep her alive. - SEE CATERS COPY

PICS BY MADISON KIENOW / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Here is Paisley now at 16months having had her second tongue reduction surgery six months ago after it grew back - she can now smile and also will be able to say mama and dada for the first time soon) - A baby born with a massive adult-sized tongue has finally been able to smile for the first time after life-changing surgery. Paisley, from Aberdeen in South Dakota, USA, had such a large tongue that she needed breathing apparatus for the first week of her life to stop her from choking to death. She was born with Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) an overgrowth disorder that affects one in every 11,000 births worldwide. The rare condition caused the little girls tongue to grow more than twice the size of her mouth and it even shocked doctors, who said it was one of the largest tongues they had ever seen. Until she was six months old, Paisley had to be fed via by a gastronomy-tube because she struggled to eat and wasnt receiving the vital nutrients needed to keep her alive. - SEE CATERS COPY

Forrás: borsonline.hu


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Betegségek, amelyekkel a férfiaknak számolniuk kell 40 fölött.
