Életét adta a 6 éves kislány, hogy megmentse másfél éves öccsét

Egy 6 éves kislány áldozta fel életét, hogy megmentse másfél éves kisöccsét a ráömlő forró víztől.

A szörnyű tragédia Baskírföldön történt, a kislány harmadfokú égési sérüléseket szenvedett és a kórházban meghalt.

Tatyana Yantuganova, az anya a Daily Mailnek azt mondta, hogyha Masha nem menti meg a testvérét, akkor Dima halt volna meg.

Pic shows: Masha Yantuganova, the girl who died of severe burns after throwing herself on top of her little brother to protect him from boiling water. A girl died of severe burns after throwing herself on top of her little brother to protect him from boiling water. Little Masha Yantuganova, 6, had been at her home in the village of Suuk-Chishma in the Russian Republic of Bashkortostan with her toddler brother Dima, 1.5-years-old. When their parents popped outside into the garden, Dima accidentally hit a cable to an electric kettle with his leg causing it to fall over. As the hot water flooded across the table, Masha saw it was about to start falling on top of her brother so she threw herself over him letting the boiling hot water pour over her. Covered in horrific third-degree burns the girl then ran out of the house screaming. Horrified mum Tatyana said: "She was in terrible pain but didn’t cry as she didn’t want to worry me. "She just kept saying that I had to take care of Dima." As Tatyana soaked both children in icy water other members of the family tried to call for an ambulance but there was no answer. The desperate mum then borrowed a neighbour’s car and rushed her children to a local hospital where they were then made to wait for up to an hour before they could see a doctor. Tatyana said that when the doctors finally arrived they smeared ointment over her baby and then said they had run out and didn’t have enough for her daughter. Tatyana then drove to another hospital but Masha lost consciousness on the way. When they arrived the girl was taken into intensive care but later died. Her mum said: "Masha died in the hospital. The doctors said she had burns to 60 percent of her body. "She died because of lack of first aid. "My son Dima had burns to 40 percent of his body but he is alive because he got treatment." (ends)

A szülők éppen kertészkedtek odakint, amikor a borzalmas dolog történt.

A bekapcsolt vízforralóból ömleni kezdett a forró víz és ekkor a kislány rávetette magát a testvérére, hogy megmentse.

Pic shows: Masha Yantuganova, the girl who died of severe burns after throwing herself on top of her little brother to protect him from boiling water. A girl died of severe burns after throwing herself on top of her little brother to protect him from boiling water. Little Masha Yantuganova, 6, had been at her home in the village of Suuk-Chishma in the Russian Republic of Bashkortostan with her toddler brother Dima, 1.5-years-old. When their parents popped outside into the garden, Dima accidentally hit a cable to an electric kettle with his leg causing it to fall over. As the hot water flooded across the table, Masha saw it was about to start falling on top of her brother so she threw herself over him letting the boiling hot water pour over her. Covered in horrific third-degree burns the girl then ran out of the house screaming. Horrified mum Tatyana said: "She was in terrible pain but didn’t cry as she didn’t want to worry me. "She just kept saying that I had to take care of Dima." As Tatyana soaked both children in icy water other members of the family tried to call for an ambulance but there was no answer. The desperate mum then borrowed a neighbour’s car and rushed her children to a local hospital where they were then made to wait for up to an hour before they could see a doctor. Tatyana said that when the doctors finally arrived they smeared ointment over her baby and then said they had run out and didn’t have enough for her daughter. Tatyana then drove to another hospital but Masha lost consciousness on the way. When they arrived the girl was taken into intensive care but later died. Her mum said: "Masha died in the hospital. The doctors said she had burns to 60 percent of her body. "She died because of lack of first aid. "My son Dima had burns to 40 percent of his body but he is alive because he got treatment." (ends)

A kisfiú életben maradt, de Masha testének 60 százaléka harmadfokú égési sérüléseket szenvedett és már nem tudtak segíteni rajta. A 6 éves gyereket a helyiek azóta hősként ünneplik.

Forrás: lajk.hu


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