Egy pokoli börtön a Fülöp-szigeteken

Van néhány nyomasztó sitt a Földön, de ez fülöp-szigeteki börtön talán az egyik legsötétebb. Ha valamit lehet rossz helynek nevezni, hát ez az!

A képeket Noel Celis az AFP hírügynökség fotósa készítette.


A börtönben elképesztő zsúfoltság van. A rabok egymás hegyén, hátán alszanak. Még a szabad ég alatt lévő kosárlabda pálya is megtelt a sok rabbal. A folyosókon, lépcsőkön alig lehet mozdulni. Némelyik cella annyira megtelt, hogy a rabok az ágyak alatt alszanak.

Eredetileg a börtönt 800 fogvatartott számára építették, de jelenleg 3800 ember van itt. 130 rabra jut egy WC. Az állapotok miatt megőrülnek, így az ítéletet saját maguk hajtják végre.


A Fülöp-szigeteken bűnözni úgy tűnik nem kifizetődő. Kétszer meggondolja az ember, hogy elkövessen bármilyen bűntényt, mert ha ide bekerül, akkor lehet, hogy be is kattan.

Ezen a helyen a rabnak nincs joga, csak annyi, hogy levegőt vegyen.




An inmate cleans the toilet at the Quezon City Jail in Manila in this picture taken on July 29, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

Inmates wait at the holding area to attend their trial at the Quezon City regional trial court in Manila in this picture taken on July 29, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

Inmates sleep on the ground of an open basketball court inside the Quezon City jail at night in Manila in this picture taken on July 19, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

Inmates workout at a gym inside the Quezon City Jail in Manila in this picture taken on July 18, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

An inmate cooks his dinner as other detainees take a bath inside the Quezon City jail at night in Manila in this picture taken on July 21, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

Inmates rest in their sleeping quarters inside the Quezon City jail at night in Manila in this picture taken on July 18, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

Inmates sleep on the ground inside the Quezon City jail at night in Manila in this picture taken on July 21, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

Inmates play basketball inside the Quezon City Jail in Manila in this picture taken on July 18, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

An inmate gets a haircut inside the Quezon City Jail in Manila in this picture taken on July 18, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

A prison guard locks a gate inside the Quezon City jail at night in Manila in this picture taken on July 21, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig

Inmates sleep on the ground of an open basketball court inside the Quezon City jail at night in Manila in this picture taken on July 19, 2016. There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig




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