Venezuela egykori szépe az utcán hajléktalanként halt meg

Egy egykor ünnepelt szépségkirálynő Venezuelában szegényen és hajléktalanként hunyt el a napokban 68 éves korában.

Damarys Ruiz 26 évesen még 1973-ban nyerte meg a szépségversenyt, de az élete szomorú fordulatot vett, mikor 15 évvel ezelőtt az utcára került.

Pic shows: Damarys Ruiz when she participated in the beauty contest. A former Venezuelan beauty queen died on the streets after spending the last 15 years of her life homeless. Damarys Ruiz, 42, shot to stardom in 1973 at the age of 26 after entering the Miss Venezuela contest where she represented her home state of Sucre in the north of the country. Despite being quite short, the 5.2ft brunette who had a law degree impressed the judges with her intelligence, looks and hourglass figure. But despite her fame and popularity the model never made it to the big time and deciding not to pursue a career in law she turned to selling homemade craftwork and junk jewellery in the central and Beauty Arts park in the capital Caracas. Having never really had a proper boyfriend she lived with her brother who reportedly beat and tortured her. In a rare interview in 2005, Ruiz told local media: "He used to starve me. "He often threatened me and often hit me. "I repeatedly called the police but they never did anything." Unable to stand the abuse, Ruiz fled in 2000 and started living on the streets. Her body was found in the city's main park. Rosalba Gomes who knew her for the last two years of her life said: "I saw her two or three times in the week and I talked to her for long hours. "Her life ended up with great depression, without receiving support from her family or friends. "She couldn’t see any way to escape the trap she was in. "She was a beautiful woman. "My cute little old lady. I am going to miss you when I go to central park and I cannot see you anymore, this lady was wonderful, educated and a great conversationalist. She was a lawyer and studied several years in the university. I loved to listen to her and her stories, anecdotes, we talked about everything. "She was my park friend." A hospital spokesman said her body was still waiting to be formally identified by a member of her family but that no one had turned up despite the publicity. (ends)

Érthetetlen hogyan történhetett meg mindez egy művelt, jogot végzett lánnyal, akinek volt művészi érzéke és elképesztő intelligenciájával elvarázsolta a zsűrit annak idején. – írja a Daily Mail.

Pic shows: Damarys Ruiz when she participated in the beauty contest. A former Venezuelan beauty queen died on the streets after spending the last 15 years of her life homeless. Damarys Ruiz, 42, shot to stardom in 1973 at the age of 26 after entering the Miss Venezuela contest where she represented her home state of Sucre in the north of the country. Despite being quite short, the 5.2ft brunette who had a law degree impressed the judges with her intelligence, looks and hourglass figure. But despite her fame and popularity the model never made it to the big time and deciding not to pursue a career in law she turned to selling homemade craftwork and junk jewellery in the central and Beauty Arts park in the capital Caracas. Having never really had a proper boyfriend she lived with her brother who reportedly beat and tortured her. In a rare interview in 2005, Ruiz told local media: "He used to starve me. "He often threatened me and often hit me. "I repeatedly called the police but they never did anything." Unable to stand the abuse, Ruiz fled in 2000 and started living on the streets. Her body was found in the city's main park. Rosalba Gomes who knew her for the last two years of her life said: "I saw her two or three times in the week and I talked to her for long hours. "Her life ended up with great depression, without receiving support from her family or friends. "She couldn’t see any way to escape the trap she was in. "She was a beautiful woman. "My cute little old lady. I am going to miss you when I go to central park and I cannot see you anymore, this lady was wonderful, educated and a great conversationalist. She was a lawyer and studied several years in the university. I loved to listen to her and her stories, anecdotes, we talked about everything. "She was my park friend." A hospital spokesman said her body was still waiting to be formally identified by a member of her family but that no one had turned up despite the publicity. (ends)

Damarys magánélete tragikusan alakult, a családja egyedül hagyta, még most sem jelentkeztek, hogy azonosítsák a testét.

A lány életébe került férfiak pedig éheztették, verték és a rendőrség pedig semmit sem tett. Damarys az erőszak elől menekülve kötött ki az utcán, de ott sem volt senkije.

Az egykori királynő még ott is megőrizte méltóságát, mindenki tudta, milyen intelligens és kifinomult.

Pic shows: Former Venezuelan beauty queen Damarys Ruiz spent the last 15 years of her life homeless. A former Venezuelan beauty queen died on the streets after spending the last 15 years of her life homeless. Damarys Ruiz, 42, shot to stardom in 1973 at the age of 26 after entering the Miss Venezuela contest where she represented her home state of Sucre in the north of the country. Despite being quite short, the 5.2ft brunette who had a law degree impressed the judges with her intelligence, looks and hourglass figure. But despite her fame and popularity the model never made it to the big time and deciding not to pursue a career in law she turned to selling homemade craftwork and junk jewellery in the central and Beauty Arts park in the capital Caracas. Having never really had a proper boyfriend she lived with her brother who reportedly beat and tortured her. In a rare interview in 2005, Ruiz told local media: "He used to starve me. "He often threatened me and often hit me. "I repeatedly called the police but they never did anything." Unable to stand the abuse, Ruiz fled in 2000 and started living on the streets. Her body was found in the city's main park. Rosalba Gomes who knew her for the last two years of her life said: "I saw her two or three times in the week and I talked to her for long hours. "Her life ended up with great depression, without receiving support from her family or friends. "She couldn’t see any way to escape the trap she was in. "She was a beautiful woman. "My cute little old lady. I am going to miss you when I go to central park and I cannot see you anymore, this lady was wonderful, educated and a great conversationalist. She was a lawyer and studied several years in the university. I loved to listen to her and her stories, anecdotes, we talked about everything. "She was my park friend." A hospital spokesman said her body was still waiting to be formally identified by a member of her family but that no one had turned up despite the publicity. (ends)

Forrás: lemon


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